d g a7 g a7 d i wake up in the mornin my body racked with pain all life long im working and playn the rich mans game i drive to work like g a7 a jerk in the traffic jam and if i run the g a7 d g a7 g a7 red light then comes the police man.. then i get that ticket it's more than fifty bucks who gets all the money dont ya think d this sucks well stand up now and fight my g a7 g a7 d friend its only gettin worse they take everything you got and make you cry and curse. chor: d g a7 g a7 d your workin for the man hand cuffs are on your hands shackeles on your ankles you don't seem to give a damn get up every g a7 morning an do the walmart chant and get g a7 d in line to do your job just like a dumb piss ant .. d g a7 g a7 d i run all through the maze just lookin for the cheese the never ending cycle just brings me to my knees I run around the g wheel some more an i feel im near the end
a7 g a7 d g a7 a rat caught up in the trap just like you my friends........ the rich man he dont give a damn how you live your life..hell beat g a7 d you down and hold you back and cause a lot of strife g a7 g a7 d you gotta work no matter what and that's his whole damn plan i heard them say it years ago your workin for the man. chr: d g a7 g a7 d your workin for the man hand cuffs are on your hands shackeles on your ankles you don't seem to give a damn get up every g a7 morning an do the walmart chant and get g a7 d in line and do your job just like some dumb piss ant.
traffic stops and tickets doubled tax on sales failed inspection on your car lets just save the wales talk about the war instead of lookin at whats real whats happening to all of us forced to run that wheel.. well my body and my soul are aching with the pain caught up in rich mans machine just trying to stay sane everyone so Gosh darn scared of losin their right hand so everybody just keep on workin for the man YYYEEAAAA your workin for the man handcuffs are on your hands shackeles on your ankles you don't seem to give a damn get up every morning an do the walmart chant and get in line to do your job just like some dumb piss ant.. i wake up in the mornin my body racked with pain all life long im working and playn the rich mans game i drive to work like a jerk in the traffic jam and if i run the red light then he's got me on a cam.. he mails me the ticket and it's more than fifty bucks he gets all the money yea i really think this sucks well stand up now and fight my freind it's only gettin worse he'll take every thing you got untill your in a hearse. chor: your workin for the man handcuffs are on your hands shackeles on your ankles you don't seem to give a damn get up every morning an do the walmart chant and get in line to do your job just like some dumb piss ant.. YYYEEAAAA your workin for the man handcuffs are on your hands shackeles on your ankles you don't seem to give a damn get up every morning an do the walmart chant and get in line to do your job just like some dumb piss ant..