In our current world there is much kaos. War on any self sustaining measures is at an all time high. Solar and wind power(for individual use), farming (personal gadening), creating your own water supply,(it is illegal everywhere to have your own well if there is already a potable water source), living off the grid in general, is under attack. With the uncertainty of gmo's, the weakness of our power grids, and the ability to have jobs to continue to live in societies norm, we as a people need to change the way we live for the sake of future generations. We all know that at some point, things in our world will go south very fast. We have all been through short stays without power, and have seen what the begining of the end could look like. Imagine a few years with no electric. Television has all kinds of programming to this end. I realize now, that nothing, no war, no revolution, no political entity, can change the direction our world is headed. With that thought in mind, I believe the fight for us as peasant humans, is to start changing the way we live like it is an emergency. We need to enlighten others to the need of self sufficiency. We need to learn to grow our own food. Purify water. Solar and wind power units in each yard. We need to have a means to hunt. Communities will have no choice but to come together to survive. All to often i read or hear of people trying to be self sufficient harrassed by the law. Why on earth would it matter to anyone if someone could live virtually free. Our kids and grandkids,neices and nephews, all need to start being taught and raised to be self sufficient. No one is exempt from this lest they perish. I feel deeply in my heart for all those who live in cities as their plight will be the hardest. But anyone who can start a garden now, or improve the ones they already have, will have a better chance to survive. Food won't store without power, therefore a couple of cheap solar panels and a marine battery would come in handy. A cheap bow and arrow, a gun, fishing pole, hooks and line, a survival seed supply, how to books, and a fire starter. If we can begin to change our conummer needs, and be more self suffient, future generations just might have a chance. Some of you already know intellectually, and the rest in your souls, that this world is controlled. May i suggest a quick read or video. Google: James B. Glattfelder. He gives a good account of interconectivity at the top. It is actually very interesting even for an idiot like myself.
So in conclusion, all the distracions you watch and read each day: war, gay marriage, gun control, terror, security, safety, gmo's, health, right's, poverty,freedom, politics,(left and right and the middle), hollywood, aliens etc., are just that. A guise to keep you from seeing the bigger picture. In order to survive we need a new dream. Self sufficiency. Not getting off welfare and government hand outs, but true self sufficiency. I urge everyone to learn and teach each other the true basics of life on this planet. The future depends on us all to take a hard look at the truth. Plant one seed in a cup and watch it grow. I promise it won,t hurt.