Ever since I was a little kid I remember hearing the phrase, " life isn't fair". But why isn't it fair? When it rains, is not everything under the clouds in the sky rained upon? Or say when the sun shines, doesn't it light the way for all of us? Even sickness at one time knew no bounds. Before medicine, illness would affect everyone. The weak would possibly die, and the stronger would survive. Some eat, and some get eaten, that is just how it is. In the end, we all die and turn to dust. There are none who can argue any of these facts. So this is life on the planet earth. It may seem unfair to some, but there is a natural balance which mother nature has always kept in check. But when man decided to mess with mother nature, everything changed. We wanted better. We wanted more. We wanted our lives to be easier. We wanted things faster than nature could provide. Slowly, mankind distorted mother nature's way of providing and supplying the needs of all living things. We, with our unquenchable desires, have exterminated many species, of which will never again roam the earth. It is only a matter of time before we all disappear. Seven evil spirits have walked this earth since mankind stood upright. Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. We all know these spirits. We have each at one time or another entertained one of them in our own soul. But, most of us are taught since birth, to fight these life sucking demons and to drive them from us. They come after us all. Some folks carry one or two of them on their backs an entire lifetime, weighing them down and causing much internal pain in their souls. There are however, some people who would rather live together and thrive with this evil. They give in to each and every one of these evil spirits. Look around you. Think about all the people you have ever met or been aquainted with. Most people fight. But those who do not, have allowed this evil to flourish in themselves and in our world. They are important, and self inflated with pride. They enjoy greed and get rich. They are adulterous, and have corrupt sexual appetites. They envy anyone with what they themselves do not have. Even starting fights or wars to get it. They are gluttonous. They never have enough. More, just a little more. Wrath. They have a diabolical need for revenge. Anger at any who defies them or their way. And lastly sloth. They lazily stand on the backs of other men to fill and build thier compulsive need for money and power. Life is only fair, if it is in balance. But when those engulfed with this evil are allowed to rule the world, then I guess I would have to agree, life isn't fair. I am sorry, and am not judging or trying to stereotype anyone or any class of people here. But this sounds like every wealthy person I have ever known. Ninety nine percent of the people in this world fight against the evil clawing at their own hearts. The other one percent thrive. Happy Election day, I hope you make an informed Godly decision. I am proud to be an American, and I refuse to vote and support this any longer. I believe for me, that is fair.