Picking Berries with Pop pop As their car pulled into the driveway, Jordan was already working on getting out of his carseat. Summer was the best time to go to pop pop's house. Just as the key turned the car off, Jordan hopped from the car, and dashed toward the backyard. You never knew what was happening at pop pop's. He was so excited to find out, that he forgot about his mom and Mya in the car. JORDAN, yelled Amanda, Amanda was Jordan and Mya's mom, get back here right now young man. Jordan quickly scanned the yard with his sharp eyes, and saw that nothing was happening out there, and he turned and went back to the driveway, near his mom and sister Mya. Ding dong dingdong dingdong dingdong,,, ok said Amanda, that's enough ringing the bell. But pop pop can't hear so well said Jordan, we have to make sure that he knows we're here. Just then, pop pop, POPPED out the door, and with a big smile said, what a great surprise it is that you have come to see me today. Today I am going to pick berries to make jam, and I could use all the help I can get. I'll help, bellowed Jordan. Me too, said Mya excitedly. We love picking berries. Yes you do, said pop pop. You both love eating them too, he said laughing. Ok then dad, I'm gonna take mom, shopping while you all pick berries, said Amanda. Alrighty then said pop pop. We have a lot to do kids, so let's get hopping. While Amanda and grandma left the driveway, Mya, Jordan, and pop pop, went to the shed, and got some small containers for the freshly picked berries. As the kids and poppop were picking the berries, eating mostly :), pop pop said he needed to sit and rest. In seconds, he was fast asleep in his chair. Mya and Jordan were getting full from eating all the berries, and decided to just pick the best one's, for pop pop to make Jam. Working their way down the line of berry bushes, Mya heard a noise on the other side of the bush. What was that Jordan? she asked. Jordan, being taller than her, could see, and knew just what it was. Take my hand Mya, said Jordan. Why, what's wrong she asked ? There is a big black bear eating berries on the other side of the bush. We need to slowly and quietly walk away. Without another word the children began walking further down through the yard toward the horse barn, because the bear was between them and the house. The bear heard the children and let out a big growl. Hearing that big loud scary growl, Jordan said, we have to save pop pop. If we both start screaming maybe the bear will follow us, and we can run fast and get away too. Mya and Jordan began yelling louder than they ever had before. Here we are bear, come and get us if you can they hollered . Then they ran again. They ran fast and hard. They ran so fast and far that they did not recognize where they were. Ut oh Where are we Jordan, asked Mya? I'm not sure Mya, he said, but we can't be too far away. Which way do we go asked Mya, feeling more scared now being lost, than she was of the bear. I don't know Mya but I think I know a way to figure it out. Let's be very quiet and listen to hear Bok Bok, pop pop's biggest and loudest rooster. We can follow the sound. That's a great idea said Mya, and then the children stood perfectly still and quiet. After a couple of minutes, sure enough they heard a crow. Yes said Jordan, making a fist in triumph. But just then they hear another rooster from another direction and then yet another. I guess many people have chickens and roosters around here, said Mya. Jordan and Mya were both afraid now. Being lost is so scary, especially all alone in the woods. Suddenly they heard a noise, a rustling in the leaves and sticks on the forest floor. The bear!, cried Mya. No Mya, it's not the bear, it is just a fox. That's not just a fox Jordan, said Mya. That's the same fox that tried to get pop pop's chicken the last time we came here. Ya know Mya, I think you are right. It has the same white spot on his head. The fox came close to the children and slowly turned and started to walk away. He turned his head back to look at them, then continued on. Jordan, said Mya, I think we should follow him. With nothing to loose, the children followed the fox. In a short time, Jordan was seeing some familiar sights. Then they saw the old horse barn. Whew, we made it back, said Jordan. I hope the bear is gone, and pop pop is ok, said Mya. As Mya and Jordan reached the top of the hill behind the berry bushes, there was pop pop. Still asleep in his chair. The bear was nowhere in sight, and old Sparky was wagging his tail. Pop pop , pop pop, cried Mya. Pop pop's eye's opened and he let out a big yawn. So how many berries did we pick? Jordan and Mya grabbed a hold of pop pop and gave him a great big hug. Wow said pop pop, I guess you two really do love picking berries. Next time, maybe we can pick some plums and pears. Mya and Jordan looked at each other and just smiled. As Mya, Jordan and pop pop walked up to the front of the house, mommy and grandma were just getting home from shopping. Everyone helped bring in the bags, and put away the groceries. Mya and Jordan looked out the back window, and to their surprise the little fox was sitting at the edge of the wooded lot, near the garden. Pop pop? asked Mya, may I put a bowl of Sparky's food outside? What on earth for Mya, asked pop pop. Just say yes pop pop, said Jordan, I'll explain it to you later. The end. Come join us in, "A Day with Grandma", next, in The Adventures of Mya and Jordan.