Summer's End 10/29/17 The cool breeze was blowing over the sand, as I walked calmly along the now quiet and lonely shoreline. Footprints in the sand, filling behind me, vanishing, with drift, and others washed away, never to be seen again. The bright moon, hidden behind the now rainy and overcast sky, and the waves crashing hard, over empty beaches. Bungalow closed and bundled up, readied with love, for the promise of tomorrow. One for now, one for then, the winter's harsh, slowly, creeping in. Mountain home's, cold, and empty, children, unwillingly trudge, back into schoolrooms, and parents, back, to the jobs, they wanted so much to forget. The wind blowing through my soul, the hair on my neck standing high. Circuses closed, carnavales gone. Send in the clowns. New love and friendships, forged on those warm sunny days, and night's, oh, those night's, now lost, and fading into yesterdays threat of snow. Again the crash of a memory of waves, the lakes and rivers, left, to the power of Ice, and wind. Sleet, covering the roads in every direction, a hindrance, a hibernation, a sleep. A rest for new lifes journey into tomorrow, or the promise thereof. My blood was pumping as I walked. My head was swirling with the memories of each past day. What was next, where was I to go, to who, to what, when? I walked and thought of you.