When Jordan's eyes opened, he was laying on the ground in his sleeping bag. He rolled over, and only Mya was in the tent with him. Wake up Mya, wake up. My'a grumbled. Wake up Mya, said Jordan, everyone is gone. Right away, Mya's eyes popped open wide. She sat up and gazed around the tent. Where is everyone she asked. I don't know said Jordan, we are usually the first ones up. When I opened my eyes no one was here. Listen Jordan, said Mya a bit irritated, I hear them. Jordan smiled, Oh yea, I can hear them too. Jordan unzipped the tent. He looked around the campsite from the opening, and sure enough, everyone was outside, all busy doing things. Look Mya, he said, everyone is here. Mya crawled out of her sleeping bag, and over to the tent door. She wiped the dry sleeping sand from her eyes, and looked out into the campsite. The morning air was cool and crisp, and the sky was bluer than ever. It was very bright out, even though the sun, had not yet come over the mountain . Yup, there all here, thanks for scaring me awake Jordan, she said. Jordan laughed. Sorry he said, but to be honest, I knew it would wake you up fast. Uncle Jonny was playing with the fire. Adding small twigs and dry leaves, trying to get it going. A small column of smoke, was rising upward into the air from the fire ring. Ben was breaking up the dead tree limbs that Uncle Zach was collecting in the woods. And Zach, was just coming back from the woods, with another big armload of branches. Ken was at the edge of the stream with his fishing pole, trying to catch some trout to eat with breakfast. Amanda was setting up for breakfast, and getting ready to start cooking. I got one yelled Ken. Jordan bolted from the tent, and was at his dad's side in seconds, with Mya, just a few steps behind. Amanda was smiling. Well I guess fish is on the menu, she said. Jonny Ben and Zach watched, as they continued to work on the fire. Kens pole, was now nearly bent in half. Zach saw it and stood up. Holy molly, what does he have on that line, he said excitedly. Jonny and Ben also jumped to there feet. Amanda headed closer to her big strong fisherman husband. It's really fighting hard said Ken. Jordan watched intently as the fish pulled the line hard. Swirling and thrashing about under the water. The line was making a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sound. What is that noise asked Jordan. That is the drag said his dad Ken. It is so when the fish pulls real hard and sudden like, the line doesn't snap. Ken slowly tightened the drag. Now the drag sound was in shorter bursts. Ken was reeling the fish in, and when he had it close to the bank and near the top of the water, he saw it. It's a big brown trout said Ken. The three uncles were at the side of the stream now too. The fish then turned and, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. He pulled the line even harder. You got this Kenny, said Amanda. Mya just stared at the water. She knew what a fish was, but never saw one caught. Kens pole was still bending like crazy, but not as often. You're tiring him out Ken, said Jonny. Uncle Ben grabbed the net and got closer to the water. Ken had him. As he reeled the fish in this time, it came again to the surface. Everyone got a good look. It was a big brown trout alright, the biggest I ever saw caught out of such a small stream. Ben scooped it up into the net. Ken was smiling from ear to ear. Every one cheered.Yay! Good job Kenny, said Amanda. They brought the fish to the table and weighed it. Eight pounds two ounces, and it measure 20 inches long. It's as big as a baby, exclaimed Amanda. Mom, said Mya. Yes Mya what is it hunny? When is Aunt Jenn gonna have her baby? Any time now said Amanda. Your aunt Jenn is due to deliver in two days. Everyone giggled. Ken gutted and cleaned the fish. He put it on tinfoil, cut a little onion, added some butter, two sliced lemon wedges, and a couple shakes of garlic powder. Then he wrapped it up in the foil, and set it on the table. Kim, Alex, Ayla, and Max, walked into the campsite. What's all the commotion so early they asked. Kenny caught breakfast said Amanda, a big Trout. OH, we missed it said Ayla. Well, said Aunt Kim, if you and Max didn't sleep so late, we would have all been here. Hmmm, thought Amanda, then said, Jordan and Mya slept in too. I guess the fresh air and being out in the woods really tired them out. The kid's looked at each other smiled. Not one of them said a word about last night. Well we're up now touted Ayla, catch another one for us to see. Everyone laughed. Kim, Alex and Amanda decided to cook breakfast together. They made eggs, flapjacks, bacon, pan fried potatoes, sausage patties, and Orange juice. Aunt Kim even made something called hash. It was salty, but tasted really good. Oh, and let's not forget, Ken's big catch. Ken cooked that. When the fire was going pretty good, he set a flat rock right into the fire, and then the fish in the foil wrap, onto the rock. It cooked in no time at all. The grown ups all had coffee. Poppop gave Ken his camping coffee pot. He always has it on the wood stove in the winter. There is a little glass bubble on top, where you can see the water turn to coffee. Poppop calls it his percolator. He says it even gets him percolating, whatever that means. It calls to poppop too. When the water gets hot and starts to boil, it goes pop, gurgle, pop pop, pop pop, gurgle pop. After breakfast, everyone helped clean up. Mya and Ayla gathered the knives, spoons and forks, and put them into the small dish pan on the table. Amanda had already filled it with hot water, that she had heating over the fire in a large black pot, while we were eating. All the plates and cups were made of paper. Of course Jordan and Max had that detail. They burned them in the fire. This is the best job I ever had said Jordan. Max went into the woods, and found a long stick. He put one cup at a time, on the end of it, and then stuck it in the fire. Look Jordan said Max. I'm roasting marshcups. And then he laughed. Jordan laughed too. Good one Max, he said. Ben and Zach were cleaning the heavy black metal pans, that the moms used to cook all the food. Zach wiped them clean with napkins, and when they were clean, Uncle Ben wiped a little olive oil on them, and then put them away into the big blue plastic cooking box. Jonny and Ken were at the stream fishing. They said it was their job to supply food, but they didn't catch any more fish. Ok kids, shouted Amanda, lets go. Grab your towels and toothbrushes, we are going to the bathrooms. Ayla looked at Mya. Is she kidding Mya, that bathroom is disgusting. I'd rather brush my teeth right there in the stream. Mya giggled, no she's not kidding, lets go. Mya already knew that they were going to the main bath house, and not the small wooden shack, they used last night. She didn't tell Ayla that though. The kids, Amanda, Kim, and Alex, all piled into the car. The men were going to do some scouting around the camp and took boomer with them. Amanda turned into the lot by a nice new brick building. What is this place asked Ayla? This is the main bathhouse said Amanda. It has hot water, showers,nice clean toilets, and mirrors. Mirrors thought Ayla, hot water, showers, clean toilets. I'm gonna kill you Jordan. Mya and Max were laughing so hard, they had to hold their stomachs, because it hurt from laughing so much. Jordan smiled. You said you had to go bad. It would have taken us forever to get here on foot. Then Jordan began to laugh too. Ayla was chuckling now also. What's so funny guys? Asked Kim. Oh nothing, said Jordan. Ayla is just being a silly girl. They entered the bathhouse. It was clean as a whistle. It even had lights. There was three showers, four toilets, two sinks with mirrors, and electric outlets for hair dryers and such. They all took turns showering. After Jordan and Max got dressed again, the stood under the hand dryers and kept pushing the buttons. The warm air was blowing onto their heads, and dried their hair in no time. When Alex called Ayla, to dry her hair near the sink, Ayla stomped her foot and said, I want to do it like Max and Jordan did. Hey, go for it kid, Alex told her daughter Ayla. Ayla smiled, she had gotten her way. She stood under the dryer, and pushed the button over and over. When her hair was dry, she came outside, where everyone else was now waiting on her. Her hair was a mess. It was standing straight up. She looked like a cartoon character after being frightened. Like a fuzzy haired troll doll or something. Did you look in the mirror asked Alex? No answered Ayla. Maybe you should. Ayla went back inside. A second later, the door opened just a little, and through the crack, Mommy cried Ayla, help me please. Alex giggled and went back in. She wet ayla's hair in the sink, and brushed it nice, as she dried it with the hairdryer. How's that asked Alex? Oh thank you mom. Thank you so much. Ok everyone back in the car. Amanda started the engine, and headed back to the campsite. Look, said Aunt Kim, a mother deer and her baby are drinking water over by the pond. Amanda slowed the car to a crawl so everyone could see. Stop mom, please asked Jordan. Amanda stopped, and everyone got out. Mya began walking toward the deer. Stay by us, said Amanda, it's ok mom, I'll be ok. Ayla, Max, and Jordan then followed her. The mother deer walked toward the edge of the woods, but the baby just stood and watched as the children approached. Don't touch it said Amanda, but it was too late. Mya had already reached her hand out and the baby was licking her fingers and palm. The little fawn let the kids rub it's head and pet it. She put her head low against Mya's body, and rubbed Mya back. I can't believe what I'm seeing said aunt Alex. The fawn should be afraid of people. Maybe, said Aunt Kim, it is used to the people here in the state forest. There are a lot of campers after all. Maybe you are right said Alex. Ok kids, lets go now, said Amanda. The children all turned and walked back to the car. As they did, the baby deer walked up the hill to where her mom was watching from the edge of the woods. Amanda turned into their campsite. There was another car there. Ken, Zach, Jonny, and Ben, were all sitting by the fire. And along with them, was Aunt Sam and Uncle Chris, grandma, and poppop. The children ran and gave everyone great big hugs. I'm so glad you came poppop said Jordan. I have lot's to tell you. We are having so much fun here, and now you can have fun with us. Pop pop smiled. I can't stay right now said poppop. But why moaned Jordan. Grandma stood up by the fire. I have some wonderful news. Your Aunt Jenn Uncle Tim are at the hospital right now. The baby is coming. Is it a girl asked Mya? No it's a boy said Jordan. Remember, his name is gonna be Kiernan. That's right Jordan said Grandma, Kiernan is being born into our family right now. Poppop and I are going to the hospital to be with them. We just stopped by to give you all the happy news. Well at least you and and Aunt Sam are gonna be here, said Jordan to uncle Chris. We can lift rocks and find snakes, and hunt frogs. Chris smiled at Jordan. I'm sorry buddy, but I have to go to the hospital too. I need to drive Grandma and Poppop. Maybe Aunt Sam and I will come back later on, after the baby is born. Ok uncle Chris, that would be great, I can't wait. Aunt Samantha and Chris, grandma and poppop, got back into the car to leave. Tell Jenn and Donald we love them, and give the baby a big hug from all of us said Amanda. Yes everyone replied. Then uncle Chris started the car and pulled away. We found a small lake with a beach for swimming, while we were out scouting. They even allow pet's said Ken. Swimming? We're going swimming asked Max? I'm not sure said Ken. It is all up to your moms. Mya and Jordan looked at Amanda, Max's eye's were glued to Kim's, and Ayla, she was tugging on Alex's pant leg, looking up at her, one eye closed, nodding her head up and down, signaling the answer to be yes. How can we say no to such cute kids. Ok swimming it is. YAY YAY screamed the kids. We're going swimming. It was close to lunchtime, but swimming would come first. The sun would be warmest now as it was just peaking over the first mountaintop. Jordan and Max ran down the beach full speed, and into the water. Jordan dove first, and Max was right behind him. The grownups set up the chairs and blankets on the beach, and laid and sat in the warmth of the suns rays. Ayla and Mya, stood in the water ankle deep. Slowly they inched in. It's cold said Mya. Look a fish said Ayla, a whole bunch of them. There were little bait fish were swimming all over. They won't hurt us said Mya, they are in the river, and in the pond by pop pop's house. I have swam with the fishes lot's of times. ok good said Ayla, I'm not afraid of them anyway, they are so little. As the girls were still working their way into the water, Max and Jordan started to splash the cold water at them. Stop yelled Mya. Yes, cut it out said Ayla. Max looked at Jordan, and without saying a word, they both began splashing like crazy, slapping their tiny hands on the top of the water, and shooting at the two girls non stop. Just then, **SPLASH, SPLASH,SPLASH,and SPLASH**. Ken and the uncles jumped in right behind the boys, making big waves almost knocking them over. Jordan turned and attacked them, splashing as hard as he could. Max was right there with him, throwing handfuls of water on the men. Laughter and happy noise filled the entire beach. Get on my shoulders Jordan, said uncle Zach. Jonny grabbed Max and threw him into the air and the splash, Max hit the water like a bomb, when he came up from under water, Max said, on your shoulders Jonny. Jonny put him on his shoulders and the chicken fight began. Ayla And Mya just watched. The boys were pushing and shoving each other trying to knock each other off their partners shoulders. Suddenly from behind, Kenny grabbed Ayla, and Ben grabbed Mya and up on their shoulders they went. They moved into the slightly deeper water where the boys were, and now we had four chicken fighters, shoving and pulling and pushing trying to be the chicken king or queen. Amanda, Kim, and Alex, were now at the edge cheering their kids to victory. No one was falling off though. Kim Jumped in, and Alex and Amanda followed. They were behind the kids pushing and pulling at them. One by one they began to fall into the water. Splash splash splash splash. Ken grabbed Jordan and threw him high in the air. Then splash as he hit the water. Zach then threw Ayla, Jonny threw max, and Ben threw tiny Mya sky high. Splash splash splash as they crashed into the water. Ken crouched low in the water and Jordan stood on his shoulders. Ken reached his arms high so Jordan could balance himself holding his dads hands. When Ken stood all the way up, Jordan let go and jumped down into the water. Amanda swung Mya by one hand and one foot. around and around and the upward and she let go. Mya flew up into the air twirling around and pow, crashed down into the water with the biggest splash of all. Ayla came flying down next, and crashed and splashed into the water. Alex smiled, she caught Ayla off guard and launched up her up high into the air. Kim shot Max the highest. The look on his face in mid air was priceless, then wham, he too came thrashing and crashing and splashing down. When Kenny and the rest of the grownups headed for dry land, the kids begged for more. We're tired they said, you guys wore us out. And besides said Amanda we have to go back to the campsite and eat lunch. It is getting late. End part three. Check back soon for part four.