For Pete's Skates. I remember when I was just a young boy, around the age of nine, playing outside around the house with my younger brother and our two friends up the street. We were full of energy, and from sunup to sundown, we played. We built forts, we hiked, we played army,(using chunks of dry mud as dirt bombs that would puff like smoke when they hit the ground), we rode bikes when we had enough parts to keep them working, and we roller skated on metal skates strapped to our shoes. We played stick ball, with an old broom handle and a tennis ball, and did every thing else you can think of under the sun. Climbing trees, and catching turtles, frogs and snakes, even swimming in the creek without permission. The one thing I remember most was, we did it together. The four of us, were best friends. Mike, Mark, John, and myself. We could walk into each others houses with out knocking, and eat and sleep there too. There were a few other kids in the neighborhood who played with us also, but we were the team, until... One day, a kid from a couple blocks away, came over to play near our house. He was a nice kid, but we thought him a little slow. The first thing he did, was to give me a wrapped, used GI Joe doll, and say, Happy Birthday. It's not my birthday I told him. Every day is somebody's birthday he replied. I tried to refuse the gift, but I saw in his eye's something that said it was better to just take it. We played the day away and at sundown he left. The next day he returned. Again he had a wrapped used gift, and gave it to Mark and said Happy birthday. Mark, like I the day before, told him it was not his birthday. But every day is someone's birthday the kid replied. Mark was refusing to take the gift. I watched the kids eye's as they began to well up and get shiny with tears. I whispered to Mark to take the gift. Mark said thank you and opened it. The kid calmed down and smiled from ear to ear. Again we played all day, and at sundown he went home, as did we all. The third day came, and the same thing happened. And the fourth, the fifth, and so on. After us four, and the six or so other kids all had presents, he came one last day. He had no present. He was smiling and so happy. John asked him why he had no present with him, after all John said, everyday is someone's birthday. The kids eye's glanced around the circle at all of us and replied, today is my birthday. I remember feeling horrible. I had nothing to give him, none of us did. We didn't know I said, and have nothing to give you. The boy again looked at us all. You have already given me more than you know. Just being part of your group is the best present I have ever received. We played the rest of the day together and had a wonderful time as always. Our new friend had become part of our tight group. At sundown, we all walked him home. His house was small, and you could tell he was from a poor family. We all were, but his was even poorer. No one said a word about that. After he went in, we left, and also went home. On the way, we all talked and decided to all give him what we thought at the time were real presents. We took our best toys, used of course, and each wrapped one for him. I couldn't wait for the sun to come up. I don't think I slept a wink that night. In the morning all of us gathered in my yard and waited for our new buddy to come. It was gonna be a great surprise. We waited and waited but he didn't show. Around lunchtime we walked to his house. Mike knocked on the door, and we waited for what seemed like an eternity. Finally his mother answered the door, unkempt and disheveled, and her eye's red from crying. Where is Pete we asked her, we have a surprise for him. She looked at us and began to cry again. Through her tears she said, Peter, died last night. He was very sick for a long time she said. He had brain cancer. She went on, thank you she said to us, for making his last days so happy. I don't think any of us were ever the same after that. We lost our new friend, who wanted nothing other than friendship. I think it was then, that I first realized, just how meaningless material thing are. I haven't thought about those guys in a long time. I miss those days. Happy Birthday Pete! Happy Birthday Everyone. I still have the skates I was gonna give him.