HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! Remembering Independence day and why we fought the revolution in the first place. Not a single day goes by that I do not see or feel the immense suffering of millions and millions of common people, at the hands of the greedy wealthy elite controlling this country. It really needs to end. When will the people get their chance? This one sided crooked system has to change, or the entire world will end up slave to the profiteers. Every year in America we celebrate our freedom, our independence from the control of the tyrannical elite wealthy political royal families of Great Britain. That was 242 yrs ago. Wealthy elite families, have once again gained complete, and utter control, over most of the civilized world. That is the one percent, which we all heard about in the last presidential election. The wealthy have taken over. I do not understand, how anyone can not see it. They own the governments, the financial systems, transportation, utilities, food, communications, the jobs, the insurance industry, the health care industry, and everything else you can think of. They make the laws, no matter how unjust. They have colluded, and conspired together, against the common people, to keep us down, and themselves in control. I fear the future will become very bleak, and sooner than any one might think. Happy Fourth of July, or Independence Day, as we are brainwashed to believe. Government is a leach. It sucks the life force out of the average citizen, while coddling and feeding the wealthy elite one percent of the population. The Government doesn't work. Pun intended. The only income they receive, is from "Us the People". Taxes, interest, penalties,(including tickets, fines, and court costs, etc). It's a business just like Trump said. The rich own it, and we pay the price. Both the republican and democratic party leaders are guilty. Maybe on this two hundred and forty second year anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, it is time to rethink our freedom. There is no one on capitol hill, who represents the average American. "TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION IS TYRANNY"! Happy Fourth of July! Remember, the only freedom you have, is to live within the confines of the law, forced upon us by the wealthy elite in control. Let the truth of Freedom Ring!