After working for the past forty five years, and the only light at the end of the tunnel is death, maybe a career change is in order. I like to write, and it seems a lot of folks like the stories I post online. How does one make a life change like this, with no one else to help. I am getting old and tired, my health is slowly beating me up, and I have no chance of a retirement. I was frugal my entire adult life, raising 6 great children on a meager paycheck. When they were small, toys, bikes, and furniture, came from hand me downs, and or from the garbage on the side of the road. There was always food, and the rent always paid. Late, most of the time I might add. Birthdays were celebrated, Christmas always came, class trips were made, but very limited. Camping at our local state forest five minutes away, was most of our vacations. Weekend ones. Day trips on the river, with old patched tire tubes from the service stations garbage pile, were a welcomed break for us also. And an occasional day trip to the Jersey shore. Island beach state park was six dollars a car load. For all eight of us, plus lunch and gas, it costed about sixty dollars, that we didn't have extra. Everything we ever did, was taken from our bill money. I always managed however, not to fall too far behind, but it was always the catch up game. Beating checks to the bank on monday, and minus thirty more dollars, when I missed. Our family has stayed tight and loving. Everyone is kind and giving, and has much empathy toward our fellow man. Everyone is employed, and self sufficient, but at the lower levels of society. The struggle never seems to end. Writing my thoughts, is what I would like to do. But there is a wall set up between us and success. One short story I put on a facebook page, received two thousand likes over night, and many many comments, of gratitude and complement. The next time I went to put a story there, ( my stories are subject related to the page), I could not post. The admin of some two hundred thousand people, banned me from the page. I can no longer even read others people's posts. I did nothing wrong, my story and pics G rated, and community related to all the other posts on the site. I was not advertising anything, and my story was free. So why was I singled out like that? Is someone afraid I might have a talent, and be able to break through the barrier of suppression and oppression of those in control. Where is the fairness in that? Working eight to twelve hours a day, and driving two to four more, does not leave enough time for family and home maintenance, not to mention, pursuing a writing career. As I look toward the dismal light in the tunnel to which I am heading, I can only hope that someday our world will change, and people can truly be able to follow their dreams and heart felt desires in life, instead of having to work forever, as slaves of the elite class. We are just as good, if not better than those with all the money. Millions upon millions of people, far more talented than the ones pushed on us through the media, have been stifled and quelched because of our money driven elite structured society. We are trained to follow orders and work. We are not trained to pursue our natural talents. Publishers are owned by the elite also. If you are famous or wealthy, or happen to know someone who is, you get published and advertised to the extreme. The best books I have ever read, are those written and self published by the author themselves. But they cannot afford to advertise. The big book store owners don't want your self published book. They want their rich buddy's, "published" book, on their shelf. We are fed so much false information, that no one really knows the truth about anything, other than the truths they learn, through living their own lives. Well enough of my ranting. I am going to sit here and continue to write my short stories for free, for people like you and I who enjoy the simpler things in life. I hope they bring a little joy and calm to your lives as writing them does for mine. Peace, health and love, on you and your's always. MW.