G the gulf coast has a problem they got C oil all around.G and mossville's air is poisoned, D destoyed the whole damn town,C people sick and dying G like old love canal,D three mile island , what a joke,C india's got bo G pal. Exxon did alaska,C bp's doin the gulf,D union carbide now dow chem, killed C indians just for G wealth.
Energy and healthcare C transportation too,G communications,yes your phone,they D even own that too.C All the pharmasuticals that G drive insurance up,D yea they own all of it C whens enough G enough. People open up your eyes and C see who runs your life. G You think that everythings ok for D you your kids and wife.C Well watch who corners the markets on G seafood and all we eat.D They'll produce a famine soon, and their C profits will be G sweet. C The people who own these companies own G our federal reserve,D they don't care who they hurt and they C have a lot of G nerve harp
Look on your computer and C see who owns just what, G you'll feel like you've been shit upon and D punched hard in the gut. We C bailed out wall street with our cash, G what you need to know, D they'll do any thing they want just to C make their money G grow. They don't give a shit about C any one at all G they just want to run the whole damn world D and for us on our knees to fall and C worship them like they are gods that G grant your every need i'll D say it just this one time I C hope I planted seeds. harp